2 Days a week option- T/Th 8:00-2:30
3 Days a week option- T/W/Th 8:00-2:30 *1st and 2nd grade only*
4 Days a week option- M/T/W/Th 8:00-2:30 *1st and 2nd grade only*
Elementary School Grades 1-5
ELAR: Product Details (acsi.org)
Math: Product Details (acsi.org) - This version is UNBOUND- fine to order we will keep in a binder. Product Details (acsi.org) - This version is BOUND.
Science: Product Details (acsi.org)
Social Studies: BJU Press Heritage Studies 1 Student Edition (4th Edition): 9781628565898 - Christianbook.com *AND* BJU Press Heritage Studies 1 Activities Book (4th Edition): 9781628565904 - Christianbook.com
*Cup with lid labeled with your child’s name
*Backpack-no rolling ones (big enough to hold a folder)
*Lunchbox, containing a morning snack and lunch daily
1x ream of white copy paper (Homeroom your LA teacher)
2x packages of toilet paper (Homeroom)
1x package of disinfecting wipes (Homeroom)
3x wide ruled spiral notebooks (label Math, LA, Sci/SS)
2x package of #2 sharpened pencils
2x erasers
1x large plastic pencil box with snap lid labeled with student’s name
1 x manual pencil sharpeners
1 x package no odor dry erase markers
1 x package wide ruled notebook paper
1 x package 9x12 manila paper
1 x package 9x12 colored construction paper 8 classic colors
2 x packages Crayola colored pencils
2 x packages Crayola washable markers (1x thin, 1x thick)
1 x pair of blunt tip scissors
2 x boxes of Crayola Crayons
6 x glue sticks
1 x package highlighters
2x boxes of sandwich size Ziploc baggies-boys
2x boxes of freezer size Ziploc baggies-girls
ELAR: Product Details (acsi.org)
Math: Product Details (acsi.org)
Science: Product Details (acsi.org)
Social Studies: Our 50 States Lesson Book: Mary Evelyn Notgrass McCurdy: 9781609991494 - Christianbook.com *AND* Our 50 States Lesson Review: Mary Evelyn Notgrass McCurdy: 9781609991517 - Christianbook.com *AND* Our 50 States Atlas Workbook: Mary Evelyn Notgrass McCurdy: 9781609991500 - Christianbook.com
*Cup with lid labeled with your child’s name
*Backpack (big enough to hold a folder)
*Lunchbox, containing a morning snack and lunch (daily)
1x ream of white copy paper (Homeroom your LA teacher)
2x packages of toilet paper (Homeroom)
2x packages of paper towels (Homeroom)
4x wide ruled spiral notebooks (label Math, LA, Sci, SS)
1x package of #2 sharpened pencils
2x erasers
1x large plastic pencil box with snap lid labeled with student’s name
1 x package no odor dry erase markers
1 x package wide ruled notebook paper
1 x package 9x12 manila paper
1 x package 9x12 colored construction paper
2 x packages Crayola colored pencils
2 x packages Crayola (thin) washable markers
2 x packages Crayola (thick) washable markers
1 x pair of blunt tip scissors
1 x ruler
6 x glue sticks
1 x package highlighters
2x boxes of sandwich size Ziploc baggies-boys
2x boxes of freezer size Ziploc baggies-girls
ELAR: Product Details (acsi.org) *AND* Product Details (acsi.org) *2 Textbooks*
Math: Product Details (acsi.org)
Science: Product Details (acsi.org)
History: Our Star-Spangled Story Part 1: 9781609991241 - Christianbook.com *AND* My Star-Spangled Student Workbook: 9781609991289 - Christianbook.com *AND* Our Star-Spangled Story Part 2: 9781609991258 - Christianbook.com
ELAR: Product Details (acsi.org) *AND* Product Details (acsi.org) *2 Textbooks*
Math: Product Details (acsi.org)
Science: Product Details (acsi.org) *AND* Product Details (acsi.org) *2 Textbooks*
History: Our Star-Spangled Story Part 1: 9781609991241 - Christianbook.com *AND* My Star-Spangled Student Workbook: 9781609991289 - Christianbook.com *AND* Our Star-Spangled Story Part 2: 9781609991258 - Christianbook.com
*Cup with lid labeled with your child’s name
*Backpack (big enough to hold a folder)
*Lunchbox, containing a morning snack and lunch (daily)
1x box of #2 sharpened pencils (preferably Ticonderoga brand) (keep in pencil box)
2x erasers (keep in pencil box)
2x wide ruled spiral notebook (label “Science” and one “SS” keep in backpack)
1x packages wide ruled notebook paper (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
1x package no odor dry erase markers (turn into homeroom teacher)
1x large plastic pencil box with snap lid labeled with name (keep in backpack)
1x package 9x12 manila paper (turn into homeroom teacher)
1x package 9x12 colored construction paper (turn into homeroom teacher)
2x packages Crayola colored pencils (keep in pencil box)
2x packages Crayola washable markers (keep in pencil box)
1x ream copy/printer paper (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
1x pair of blunt tip scissors (keep in pencil box)
6x glue sticks (keep a few in pencil box, turn rest in to your homeroom teacher-LA)
2x yellow highlighters (keep in pencil box)
2x Packages of Toilet Paper (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
2x Packages of Paper Towels (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
2x boxes of sandwich size Ziploc baggies-boys 2x boxes of freezer size Ziploc baggies-girls
1x Spiral notebook (label “Math” keep in backpack)
1x Ruler
1x Spiral notebook (label “LA” keep in backpack)
*If you have your own laptop/Chromebook please bring daily, we only have a limited number on campus.
ELAR: Product Details (acsi.org) *AND* Product Details (acsi.org) *2 Textbooks*
IEW: Fix It! Grammar: Robin Hood, Student Book Level 3 (New Edition): 9781623413613 - Christianbook.com
Math: Product Details (acsi.org)
Science: Product Details (acsi.org) *AND* Product Details (acsi.org) *2 Textbooks*
History: BJU Press Heritage Studies Grade 6 Student Text, Fourth Edition: 9781628562286 - Christianbook.com *AND* BJU Press Heritage Studies Grade 6 Student Activity Manual (4th Edition): 9781628562293 - Christianbook.com
*Cup with lid labeled with your child’s name
*Backpack (big enough to hold a folder)
*Lunchbox, containing a morning snack and lunch (daily)
1x box of #2 sharpened pencils (preferably Ticonderoga brand)
2x erasers
1x Package of highlighters
1x package no odor dry erase makers (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
1x wide ruled spiral notebook (label “LA”)
2x Packages Crayola washable markers
2x Packages Crayola colored pencils
1x ream copy/printer paper (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
1x large plastic pencil box with snap lid labeled with name
2x Packages of Toilet paper (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
2x Packages wide ruled notebook paper (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
2x Packages of Paper Towels (turn into homeroom teacher-LA)
2x boxes of sandwich size Ziploc baggies-boys 2x boxes of freezer size Ziploc baggies-girls
1x Spiral notebook (label “Science”)
1x Spiral notebook (label “SS”)
1 x package 9x12 manila paper
1 x package 9x12 colored construction paper
1x Pair of scissors
6x Glue sticks
1x Spiral notebook (label “Math”)
1x Ruler
*If you have your own laptop/Chromebook please bring daily, we only have a limited number on campus.
The Language Arts Grade 1 curriculum offers guided and independent phonics practice, high-frequency word work, independent grammar practice, integrated reading and listening comprehension sections.
The Language Arts Grade 2 curriculum offers guided and independent phonics practice, high-frequency word work, independent grammar practice, frequent reading and listening comprehension sections, including fiction and nonfiction texts.
The Language Arts Grade 3 Reading and Literature textbooks offer phonics refresher practice; guided and independent reading skills and word meaning practice; and reading and listening comprehension sections, reader guides that accompany student readers, and literature guides that accompany suggested read-aloud books, all using fiction and nonfiction texts in a variety of genres.
The Language Arts Grade 3 Language and Writing textbooks offer guided and independent grammar and writing practice, spelling practice, vocabulary-building skills, and speaking and listening skills, with numerous crossover opportunities for students to apply knowledge across content areas, such as applying proper grammar and spelling to writing.
The Language Arts Grade 4 Reading and Literature textbooks offer phonics refresher practice; guided and independent reading skills and word meaning practice; and reading and listening comprehension sections, reader guides that accompany student readers, and literature guides that accompany suggested read-aloud books, all using fiction and nonfiction texts in a variety of genres.
The Language Arts Grade 4 Language and Writing textbooks offer guided and independent grammar and writing practice, spelling practice, vocabulary-building skills, and speaking and listening skills, with numerous crossover opportunities for students to apply knowledge across content areas, such as applying proper grammar and spelling to writing.
The Language Arts Grade 5 Reading and Literature textbooks offer phonics refresher practice; guided and independent reading skills and word meaning practice; and reading and listening comprehension sections, reader guides that accompany student readers, and literature guides that accompany suggested read-aloud books, all using fiction and nonfiction texts in a variety of genres.
The Language Arts Grade 5 Language and Writing textbooks offer guided and independent grammar and writing practice, spelling practice, vocabulary-building skills, and speaking and listening skills, with numerous crossover opportunities for students to apply knowledge across content areas, such as applying proper grammar and spelling to writing.
With Pearl, sixth graders experience the beauty of language and the imagery and complexity of fine literature. Meaningful themes promote thinking and talking about values, ideals, and behavior. A workshop curriculum component—Recognizing Plot, Defining Character, Exploring Setting, and Understanding Theme—thoroughly teaches these literary elements. Sixth grade learners will delve into the intricacy of poetry with Pearl’s extensive poetry unit.
The Purposeful Design 9-level math series was developed to provide a strong mathematical foundation that will accomplish the following:
The Grade 1 Student Workbook features:
The Purposeful Design 9-level math series was developed to provide a strong mathematical foundation that will accomplish the following:
The Grade 2 Student Workbook features:
The Purposeful Design 9-level math series was developed to provide a strong mathematical foundation that will accomplish the following:
The Grade 3 Student Workbook features:
The Purposeful Design 9-level math series was developed to provide a strong mathematical foundation that will accomplish the following:
The Grade 4 Student Workbook features:
The Purposeful Design 9-level math series was developed to provide a strong mathematical foundation that will accomplish the following:
The grade 5 student text features:
The amazement of creation through God’s eyes with the newly revised first-grade science textbook from Purposeful Design Publications. Grounded in biblical worldview, students will learn how to do science, not just about it. They will grow through experiential, hands-on learning based on scientific inquiry investigations and engineering design process activities.
This third edition Purposeful Design Elementary Science will train up the next generation to recognize God’s handiwork all around them and marvel at His intelligent design.
Elementary Science Third Edition Series Features:
BJU Press' Heritage Studies 1- Is an easy-to-read presentation of social studies that integrates civics, culture, economics, geography, and history. Beginning with the framework of God's redemptive plan, the book includes an age-appropriate study of civics and government and then covers United States history from Native Americans to the Plymouth Colony-all from the perspective of a Christian worldview. The final chapter contrasts the past and the present, noting changes that have taken place in the way we live. Each chapter includes a poem, eye-catching artwork, maps, graphs, and photos, quick-check questions, and an extended hands-on activity to enhance learning.
Our 50 States is a one-year American geography and literature course from Notgrass History. This unique course combines the flexibility and richness of a unit study with the simplicity of a textbook-based approach.
Notgrass History's Our Star-Spangled Story is a one-year American history and literature course. This textbook features engaging, narrative-style chapters with full-color photos and illustrations. This flexible program combines the richness of a unit study with the simplicity of a traditional textbook curriculum. Lesson activity ideas, review questions, and hands-on history ideas conclude each chapter; parents can pick and choose which would be best for their individual students to complete. These activities include instructions for the optional resources Star-Spangled Rhythms and Rhymes, A Star-Spangled Timeline, My Star-Spangled Student Workbook and the 8 optional literature books. Units include a project idea connected with one of the lessons, an include things like arts and crafts, recipes, and games.
Volume 1 covers life in America from before Europeans came through the first settlements to the late 1800s, including the beaver trade, Phillis Wheatley, the Constitution, circuit riders and camp meetings, Lewis & Clark, America's first school for the Deaf, the Lowell factory girls, Sojourner Truth, Reconstruction, and more.
Volume 2 covers life in America from the late 1800s to modern times, including stories of Helen Keller, the Tuskegee Institute, Theodore Roosevelt, Jim Thorpe and the 1912 Olympics, The Great Depression, Japanese internment camps, WWI & WWII, technological advances, and more.
Heritage Studies 6 (4th Edition) Student Text provides a colorful, age appropriate informational text about ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Maps, graphs, charts, photographs, and illustrations enhance learning.
The textbook carries the theme of the Creation, the Fall, and the Redemption throughout while additional resources develop students' familiarity with key figures in ancient civilizations, primary sources, atlases, and more.
This elective will be age and developmentally appropriate, taught by a staff member in a structured manner. Balance, agility, teamwork, endurance, building large motor skills, and much more.
This elective will be age and developmentally appropriate. Students will learn various forms of art and use different types of mediums to produce their masterpiece, whether that is on paper, a canvas, a piece of wood, a rock, etc.
*Coming 25/26 MUSIC
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