Mondays/Wednesdays 8:00-2:30
School - MS 6th - 8th graders HS 9th- 12th graders
6th Grade
ELAR: Product Details ( and Product Details ( IEW: Fix It! Grammar: Robin Hood, Student Book Level 3 (New Edition): 9781623413613 - Christianbook.comMath: Product Details ( Science: Product Details ( *AND* Product Details ( History: BJU Press Heritage Studies Grade 6 Student Text, Fourth Edition: 9781628562286 - *AND* BJU Press Heritage Studies Grade 6 Student Activity Manual (4th Edition): 9781628562293 -
ELAR: Product Details ( and Product Details (
Math: Saxon Math 8/7, 3rd Edition, Home Study Kit: 9781591413509 -
Science: Product Details ( *AND* Product Details (
History: America the Beautiful Part 1: America from 1000 to 1877 (2020 Updated Edition): Charlene Notgrass: 9781609991418 - *AND* America the Beautiful Part 2: America from the Late 1800s to the Present (2020 Updated Edition): Charlene Notgrass: 9781609991425 - *AND* Maps of America the Beautiful (2020 Updated Edition): Charlene Notgrass: 9781609991449 -
Bible: Product Detail (
ELAR: Product Details ( and Product Details (
Math: Saxon Math 8/7, 3rd Edition, Home Study Kit: 9781591413509 -
Science: Product Details ( *AND* Product Details (
History: America the Beautiful Part 1: America from 1000 to 1877 (2020 Updated Edition): Charlene Notgrass: 9781609991418 - *AND* America the Beautiful Part 2: America from the Late 1800s to the Present (2020 Updated Edition): Charlene Notgrass: 9781609991425 - *AND* Maps of America the Beautiful (2020 Updated Edition): Charlene Notgrass: 9781609991449 -
Bible: Product Detail (
*Cup with lid labeled with your name
*Lunchbox, containing a morning snack and lunch (daily)
2x Packages of notebook paper
5x Spirals/Composition books (1 for each class)
2x Boxes #2 Pencils
1x package no odor dry erase markers
Pens (black/blue)
1x Package of Highlighters
2x Rolls of Paper Towels
1x Ream of white copy paper
2x Packages of Toilet Paper
2x boxes of sandwich size Ziploc baggies-boys
2x boxes of freezer size Ziploc baggies-girls
1x Package colored pencils
1x Package of glue sticks
1x ruler
1x protractor
Pair of scissors
1x 1” -2” 3-ring binder (*ALL Math students)
*If you have your own laptop/Chromebook please bring daily, we only have a limited number on campus.
ELAR: Product Details (
IEW: Fix It! Grammar: Frog Prince, Student Book Level 5 (New Edition): 9781623413651 -
Math: Algebra I with Integrated Geometry, Dive in Math *Link provided by your teacher.
Science: Biology- Discovering Design with Biology: Dr. Paul Madtes Jr., Dr. Jay L. Wile: 9798985252941 - *AND* Student Workbook for Discovering Design with Biology: Dr. Paul Madtes Jr., Dr. Jay L. Wile: 9781735029146 -
History: BJU Press U.S. History Student Text (Grade 11; 5th Edition): 9781628562071 - *AND* BJU Press U.S. History Grade 11 Student Activity Manual (Fifth Edition): 9781628562231 -
Health/Speech: Total Health High Student Softcover: Susan Boe: 9781583312261 - *AND* Everyday Debate & Discussion Student Edition: Shelley Johnson: 9781600512933 -
Spanish I: BJU Press Spanish 1 Student Activities Manual (3rd Edition): 9781606829707 - *AND* BJU Press Spanish 1 Student Text (3rd Edition): 9781606829370 -
Bible: Product Detail (
ELAR: Product Details (
IEW: Fix It! Grammar: Frog Prince, Student Book Level 5 (New Edition): 9781623413651 -
Math: Dive in Math *Link provided by your teacher.
Science: Biology- Discovering Design with Biology: Dr. Paul Madtes Jr., Dr. Jay L. Wile: 9798985252941 - *AND* Student Workbook for Discovering Design with Biology: Dr. Paul Madtes Jr., Dr. Jay L. Wile: 9781735029146 -
History: BJU Press U.S. History Student Text (Grade 11; 5th Edition): 9781628562071 - *AND* BJU Press U.S. History Grade 11 Student Activity Manual (Fifth Edition): 9781628562231 -
Health/Speech: Total Health High Student Softcover: Susan Boe: 9781583312261 - *AND* Everyday Debate & Discussion Student Edition: Shelley Johnson: 9781600512933 -
Spanish II: BJU Press Spanish 2 Student Edition (3rd Edition): 9781628566185 - *AND* BJU Press Spanish 2 Activities (3rd Edition): 9781628566208 -
Bible: Product Detail (
ELAR: Product Details (
IEW: Fix It!™ Grammar: Level 6 Little Mermaid [Student Book] | FIX-L6-S (
Math: Dive in Math *Link provided by your teacher
Science: Wonders of the Human Body Volume 1: Dr. Tommy Mitchell: 9781683442776 - *AND* Wonders of the Human Body, Volume 2: Dr. Tommy Mitchell: 9781683442783 -
SS: Exploring Economics Curriculum Package: Ray Notgrass: 9781609990923 - *AND* Exploring Economics Student Review Book: 9781609991050 - *AND* Exploring Government: Ray Notgrass: 9781609991784 - *AND* Exploring Government Student Review Book (2023 Edition): Ray & Charlene Notgrass: 9781609991760 -
Bible: Product Detail (
ELAR: Product Details (
IEW: Fix It!™ Grammar: Level 6 Little Mermaid [Student Book] | FIX-L6-S (
Math: Consumer Math TBD
Science: Wonders of the Human Body Volume 1: Dr. Tommy Mitchell: 9781683442776 - *AND* Wonders of the Human Body, Volume 2: Dr. Tommy Mitchell: 9781683442783 -
SS: Exploring Economics Curriculum Package: Ray Notgrass: 9781609990923 - *AND* Exploring Economics Student Review Book: 9781609991050 - *AND* Exploring Government: Ray Notgrass: 9781609991784 - *AND* Exploring Government Student Review Book (2023 Edition): Ray & Charlene Notgrass: 9781609991760 -
Bible: Product Detail (
*Cup with lid labeled with your name
*Lunchbox, containing a morning snack and lunch (daily)
2x Packages of notebook paper
5x Spirals/Composition books (1 for each class)
2x Boxes #2 Pencils
Pens (keep in your backpack)
1x Package of Highlighters
2x Rolls of Paper Towels
1x Ream of white copy paper
2x Packages of Toilet Paper
1x 1” -2” 3-ring binder (*Algebra 2, 3 students)
TI 30X IIS Calculator (*Algebra 2, 3 students)
1x Package of Colored Pencils
1x Pair of Scissors
1x Package of glue sticks
1x package no odor dry erase markers
1x Ruler
1x Protractor
2x boxes of sandwich size Ziploc baggies-boys
2x boxes of freezer size Ziploc baggies-girls
*If you have your own laptop/Chromebook please bring daily, we only have a limited number on campus.
Electives offered by HCA for 2025-2026
*Spanish I and II - (this is a Tx. high school requirement)
*Journalism - (6th-12th)
*Home Economics (6th-12th)
*Art (6th-12th Grade)
*Yearbook and Photography (6th-12th)
*PE (ES)
*Art (ES)
*Music (ES)
Seven Star is an ACSI recognized affiliate, Acellus is another online option, they offer multiple courses and electives online. We have partnered with them for many years now and we have seen great success and progress in our students. To sign up for Seven Star please visit their website Sevenstar – Global Leader In Online Christian Education and follow the steps to create an account, set your student up, and pay for selected courses. (*HCA will not be covering the costs upfront this year). To sign up for Acellus please contact Mrs. Tiffany.
(*Coming 25/26 Animal Science)
Discovering Design with Biology from Berean Builders is a comprehensive laboratory-based high school biology course, ideal for your college-bound student. With 180 hours of instruction, 16 units and 40 hands-on experiments, covering household, dissection, and microscope labs, this is a thorough introduction to how living organisms are designed and classified, how they interact with one another, and how they interact with their physical environment. Throughout the course, your student will see that life is the result of design and that organisms have been given the ability to adapt to their surroundings, as well as learn to identify the problems associated with the modern evolutionary synthesis. "Comprehension Check" questions and experiments are provided throughout each chapter and important scientific terms and vocabulary are underlined and defined. Each chapter ends with review questions to be completed before taking the chapter test.
Concepts covered include the chemical processes for life, the structures of RNA and DNA, cell design, and photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular reproduction processes. After a thorough survey of the different kinds of organisms found in nature: archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants, your student will then learn about ecosystems and the biogeochemical cycles that keep environments hospitable to life.
Labs include extracting DNA from fruit, examining the effects of temperature and pH on enzymes, exploring osmosis and diffusion, building a pedigree, culturing bacteria, growing and examining fungi, identifying the stages of mitosis, studying live bacteria that were cultured by the student, identifying budding in yeast, and analyzing the microscopic structure of plants and animals. There are also four dissection experiments: the earthworm, crayfish, fish, and frog.
Anatomy & Physiology
Explore the design of the human body from a creation perspective using Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Volume 1 Set. From the simplest parts to some of the most complex functions, your students will learn about the Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Nervous systems and discover that the design of the human body cannot possibly be an accident. Five lessons per week take approximately 30 to 45 minutes.
Explore the design of the human body from a creation perspective using Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Volume 2 Set. From the simplest parts to some of the most complex functions, your students will learn about the Reproductive, Lymphatic, Renal, Endocrine, Integumentary, and Digestive Systems and discover that the design of the human body cannot possibly be an accident. Five lessons per week take approximately 30 to 45 minutes.
(*Coming 25/26 World History/World Geography)
America the Beautiful
It combines the flexibility and richness of a unit study with the simplicity of a textbook-based approach to history. Daily lessons guide your middle-school student chronologically through American history, with an emphasis on key events, people, and places.
The 2-volume text includes the course instructions and easy-to-follow daily directions that children are often able to follow independently. Each of the thirty units has five lessons. You can complete the curriculum in one year by doing one lesson per day for 150 days during your school year. Depending on how many activities you assign, most students will need 45-90 minutes to complete one lesson.
At the end of each lesson, four to six activities are provided from which parents can choose which they'd like to assign. One special family activity, like an arts and crafts project, recipe, or other multi-age activity, is also assigned each week.
Government & Economics
Explore United States government---federal, state, and local---from a biblical perspective! This half-year government and optional half-year English high school credit course equips students to understand backgrounds to our government, the Constitution, and issues facing our nation today.
Economics is relevant everywhere, from political speeches to the daily decisions students make. Give teens the education to understand what's going on in the world around them with this important one-semester high school elective. Emphasizing faith in God and trusting His Word, students will learn how being knowledgeable about economics will help them become a better steward of the money God provides as well as a valuable, informed contributor to the economy on the personal, household, local, national, and international level. Exploring Economics reasserts the importance of the free market system, providing a clear explanation of terms and concepts.
US History
Provides guidance for individual and group assessments that correct and strengthen students' historical thinking and inform the teacher's instruction. It suggests methods and discussions for helping students through historical debates and points of view from a biblical worldview and for grasping historical causation.
(*Coming 25/26 Consumer Math)
Shormann Pre-Algebra:
Shormann Math is a continuation of Saxon math, updated for the new SAT and ACT standards. This is the final course of middle school math which prepares students for Algebra 1. Students have short videos by Dr. Shormann to watch, reinforced by classroom instruction and in-class work on practice problems. Then students complete problem sets on paper, followed by submitting their answers online, where they are automatically graded. Four lessons are done per week so that the entire course of 100 lessons is completed by the end of the school year. Textbook pages are online, available for printing if that is your wish. There are two closed-book tests per quarter, for a total of 8 tests during the year. Students who satisfactorily complete Shormann Pre-Algebra are well prepared to move into Shormann Algebra 1.
Shormann Algebra 1 with Integrated Geometry:
Algebra 1 is the first of a 3-year sequence in which covers Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 with Geometry integrated throughout. Like Saxon math, Shormann math is a spiral curriculum, where old concepts are continually reviewed, and it has been updated for the new SAT and ACT standards. Students have short videos by Dr. Shormann to watch, reinforced by classroom instruction and in-class work on practice problems. Then students complete problem sets on paper, followed by submitting their answers online, where they are automatically graded. Textbook pages are online, available for printing if that is your wish. Two to three lessons are done per week, along with two closed-book tests per quarter.
Shormann Algebra 2 with Integrated Geometry:
In this class, the final traditional Algebra 1 topics are covered, followed by beginning traditional Algebra 2 topics, with Geometry integrated throughout. Like Saxon math, Shormann math is a spiral curriculum, where old concepts are continually reviewed, and it has been updated for the new SAT and ACT standards. Students have short videos by Dr. Shormann to watch, reinforced by classroom instruction and in-class work on practice problems. Then students complete problem sets on paper, followed by submitting their answers online, where they are automatically graded. Textbook pages are online, available for printing if that is your wish. Two to three lessons are done per week, along with two closed-book tests per quarter.
Shormann Algebra 3 with Integrated Geometry:
In this final integrated math course, students complete all remaining traditional Algebra 2 and Geometry topics. Like Saxon math, Shormann math is a spiral curriculum, where old concepts are continually reviewed, and it has been updated for the new SAT and ACT standards. Students have short videos by Dr. Shormann to watch, reinforced by classroom instruction and in-class work on practice problems. Then students complete problem sets on paper, followed by submitting their answers online, where they are automatically graded. Two to three lessons are done per week, along with two closed-book tests per quarter. Textbook pages are online, available for printing if that is your wish. After successful completion of this class, students will have completed three courses of high school math: Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry.
Jade is replete with literature that spans several centuries and that is drawn from regions across the globe. The workbook exercises should be fun to do. Our tools include funny characters, challenging puzzles, interesting stories, nonsense rhymes, and a host of other inventive and innovative teaching techniques. Our selection tests ensure that the students have comprehended the stories in the textbook. Our two vocabulary exercises teach definitions of words, their proper usage, and, sometimes, etymology. The MAS writing activity gives students the opportunity to respond creatively to one aspect of each story.
Gold is a highly literate curriculum, artwork that enchants, introductory word banks with fascinating bits of information, and vocabulary definitions on each page. This Workbook is funny and imaginative, and includes: vocabulary exercises (often mimic the great authors), graphic organizers, research or creative writing activities, Going One Step Further (for short stories, nonfiction essays, drama, novella, and novel).
The Explorer Level of the Implications of Literature series is designed to help students read, understand, and communicate effectively and clearly. The unique format used in each of the volumes in this series promotes the acquisition of critical language arts skills in an enjoyable and challenging way through exposure to high-quality world literature.
In the Navigator level of Implications of Literature, students are treated to an eclectic selection of international and American authors whose writings include thought-provoking biographies, entertaining sketches and stories, inspirational poetry, and instructive nonfiction. Our extensive treatment of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, effectively presented by means of TextWord's unique format, brings this classic novel to vivid life. Historical Background provides an analytical perspective on the French Revolution, and each chapter begins with a Setting the Scene component that engages students' attention yet does not reveal the plot.
The Pioneer Level of the Implications of Literature series integrates the history of the United States with literature that dovetails with the American experience. It intentionally presents opposing viewpoints on significant issues, such as Charles Lindbergh's perspective on isolationism vs. Dorothy Thompson's position on basic human rights. The Pioneer Level is enhanced by an entertaining novella-length excerpt from Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, as well as by a rich mélange of the finest short fiction and nonfiction selections, adding up to a delightful approach to the study of American literature.
The Trailblazer Level focuses exclusively on English literature and the development of the English literary tradition. This literature collection mirrors 1500 years of human endeavor and enables students to gain an understanding of the movements and philosophies that have shaped society since 449. The 90+ literary selections feature novellas, short stories, novel excerpts, two full-length dramas, essays, epic poetry, ballads, sonnets, elegies, odes, and lyrical poetry. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is presented in the unique TextWord Shakespeare format that enhances students’ critical and analytical thinking abilities.
This curriculum for high school students is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of all important physical, mental and social health issues. Written directly to teens from a caring and friendly perspective, Total Health presents a moral basis for a healthy lifestyle based upon scriptural principles. Anatomy, Body systems, food choices, exercise, diseases, stress, emergencies, responsibility, and more. Illustrations and photographs add visual interest to the text; at the end of each chapter, a review contains terms to define, questions based on the text, biblical application questions and suggested activities.
Everyday Debate: A Guide to Socratic Conversation, Information Discussion, and Formal Debate from Classical Academic Press introduces students to the basics of debate, logic, style, arrangement, and the practical details of debate. Whether your students welcome debate as an adventure or shrink from debate or disagreement, this workbook will give students confidence in discussing their opinions and open their eyes to the benefit of debate, disagreement, and discussion in both everyday life and in formal debate settings.
Spanish I
This curriculum will help students learn to communicate in Spanish. At the beginning of each chapter, objectives are listed. Lessons feature vocabulary that's presented in context with labeled artwork and translations of the labeled items at the bottom of the page. Written conversations help you learn language in context with comprehension questions focused on meaning; charts are used to present verb forms. Two cultural articles are also provided, along with discussion questions designed to help students think critically about cultural issues from a biblical worldview. Activities are included throughout, and chapters end with a self-evaluation form to determine how well the objectives have been met.
Spanish II
Spanish II takes an innovative and engaging approach to help students not only learn about Spanish but also learn to communicate at an intermediate-high level. The entire book revolves around eight characters from four different Spanish-speaking countries. The eight students collaborate on a blog about the four main Spanish-speaking empires from the past. Th e characters share their feelings and ideas as they discover new things about their countries' history, their culture, and the other members' cultures.
Chapters present vocabulary and grammar concepts thematically in the context of the character's surroundings. Activities are communicative and meaning-based and incorporate substantial review at the beginning. Culture permeates the book, from the storyline to the artwork to the activities. We encourage students to formulate a biblical worldview of history, culture, and religion through the text, artwork, and activities.
Bible MS
The question "Who is Jesus?" resonates throughout this year long course. Students will learn many facts about Jesus but more importantly they will be challenged to get to know Jesus in a personal and life changing way.
Bible HS
Missio Dei: Joining God on the Adventure of a Lifetime The term "missio Dei" means literally “the mission of God.” This course provides opportunities for students to explore and engage in God’s mission as the foundation for the story of the Bible, as the lens through which we all relate to others cross-culturally, as the centerpiece of history, and as the driving force for living “missionally” in whatever context we find ourselves. The course invites students to enter into a deeper understanding of God through joining Him on the adventure of a lifetime.
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